vision: Interfaith 3.0
MIC's vision is to birth an emerging form of interfaith engagement we call Interfaith 3.0, which is built upon the ongoing work of Interfaith 1.0 and 2.0. We invite people of faith and those who do not affiliate with any faith to join us.
interfaith 1.0
Interfaith 1.0: Co-exist in Peace. Interfaith 1.0 asks: “Can we be in the same room together and let our full diversity hang out without harming each other?" Through respectful dialog, we welcome and seek to understand each other's different experiences and perspectives so that we might co-exist in peace.

interfaith 2.0
Interfaith 2.0: Collaborate & Celebrate. Interfaith 2.0 asks: "From our shared values, how can we promote the common good and in the process learn about and be nourished by each other's faiths?" We seek to make the world more whole and just through our respectful collaboration, and as we work together, we naturally celebrate our spiritual similarities and differences.
Interfaith 3.0: Change Consciousness; Change the World. Interfaith 3.0 asks: “How can every interfaith activity have the explicit purpose of changing consciousness in order to change the world?” The urgency of climate change, unbearable inequity, systemic racism, hate speech, and many other crises requires a new level of interfaith engagement that builds upon the other levels. Interfaith 3.0 is showing up in our communities - right in the middle of conflict, hurt and injustice - as our full spiritual selves and by our presence, questions, deep listening, compassion, and lived values shift conversations, perspectives, narratives, policies and consciousness. How we interact changes the interaction. How we show up in the world changes the world.