On November 12, Westminster Presbyterian Church hosted MIC for its 19th Annual Emerging Visionaries event, which was also an opportunity to thank and bless MIC's Executive Director, Rev. Scott Quinn, who concludes his role this week.
Click HERE to read the closing benediction Scott offered that night.
Here is a link to a video of the program: https://www.youtube.com/live/uaiMOS5t6zM
Deep gratitude to our speakers, Rabbi-Cantor Elana Rosen-Brown and Pastor Rob McClellan. Thanks also to Westminster Presbyterian Church for hosting the event and to those who sponsored the event with their generous support:
The Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
Jeff & Mabel Bialik
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Dominican University’s Institute for Leadership Studies
EAH Housing
Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California
First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael
Innerlude & Associates
International Association of Sufism
Jewish Family & Children’s Services
Barbara J. Meislin (The "Purple Lady")
Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of San Rafael