As we prepare shortly to celebrate Thanksgiving, and as I take on the Interim Executive Director role at the Marin Interfaith Council, I am acutely aware of how grateful I am to be surrounded by our Interfaith Community. For the past 25+ years, I have lived and worked in Marin County as an Episcopal priest, and as the Community Engagement Associate at MIC. I have attended countless Prayer Breakfasts, Interfaith Street Chaplaincy Thanksgiving Eve services, numerous clergy gatherings, monthly meditations, hosted the “Getting to Know Your Neighbor’s Faith: Ask Me Anything” events, and as I did just last week, attended many Emerging Visionaries annual events. Being surrounded by people of so many rich, diverse, faith traditions has enriched my own spiritual life and deepened my faith in the many ways that God (which is the word I am most comfortable using for the ever-gracious presence of light and love) is at work in our world.
Saying goodbye to Scott as the Executive Director, as he follows new spiritual paths that have been presented to him, leaves me with much joy for him, and a sense of opportunity for MIC. We have been fortunate to have his calm, profound, compassionate leadership for the past 8 years, and now we will find the next leader to guide MIC.
In the meantime, the board and I will be working hard to make sure our interfaith community maintains our current programs even while exploring new opportunities. We will continue our monthly meditations, continue our clergy gatherings for much needed discussions, have our Annual Prayer Breakfast in May, and seek new opportunities to gather and learn.
The members of the board are in the process of discerning what a new Executive Director will look like, but that first requires the priority of updating MIC's vision and addressing a major reduction in our funding. The MIC board will be reaching out to our collective faith community to gather input on all three fronts. If this is something that you are passionate about, please reach out to me, or to the President of the board, Sidharth Kaw at
As we step into the new unknown, please join us on this journey. We would love to have you as a part of this process, or at the very least, hear any thoughts you have to share. As the Marin Interfaith Council, we recognize that our lives are enriched when a diverse choir of voices are heard, and we hope that yours will be one of them.
Peace to you,
Lynn Oldham Robinett